CRS Policy
Our vision is to take care of human, environmental and material values.
Hansen Protection will contribute to safe products, a better environment, a safe working environment, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and by actively collaborating with customers, suppliers and employees.
Increase environmental awareness and safe working environment among employees, improve internal processes, and comply with laws and regulations. This means that Hansen Protection:
- Will design products of the highest quality and long life to avoid unnecessary replacement
- Use recyclable packaging
- Search for alternative, documented environmentally conscious raw materials
- Will run the business aiming to reduce transportation and travel
- Base energy consumption on renewable energy
- Create a safe, secure and healthy working environment
- Respect, protect and fulfill human rights and fundamental freedoms with reference to UNGP
Our quality system, which is certified according to EN ISO 9001 and EN ISO 14001 standards, is simple, appropriate, and easy to understand. All employees participate in making it a "living" system in their daily work.
Be strong, confident and warm to our customers, suppliers and employees.
Improvement goals:
Through continuous improvement, secure the company’s profitability by delivering products and services that satisfy customer’s present and future demands and expectations, based on our quality products, environmental philosophy and social responsibility.
Health, safety and environment goal:
Our goal is zero injuries.
Environmental goal:
Achieve improvements by actively contributing to the compliance with the company's environmental policies.
Moss 26.05.2021

Terje Gorm Hansen