Rescue & Diving Equipment Eezycut Sheath for webbing Hansen Protection 22039-990STD Specially developed belt pocket/harness for 88060-1/2 Eezycut Trilobite knives, fitting a 50mm wide belt Ask for quote
Snorkel Scubapro Apnea Snorkel Scubapro 100646 The upper barrel on this versatile surface breather can be removed if you prefer to use a shorter pipe. Ask for quote
Accessories for boats/boards ND Field repair kit for inflatables Northern Diver 88019 Field repair patches for temporary repairs. Can save your day! Ask for quote
Helmet accessories Petzl Pixadapt Petzl 88025-4 The PIXADAPT is a piece that allows the user to mount or unmount a PIXA headlamp on a helmet any time, and still keep the option of adjusting the tilt of the headlamp. Ask for quote
Hearing protection Kask Adaptor for hearing protection earmuffs Kask Bestillingsvare This adaptor set is for use with the Superplasma helmet line and is installed to work with KASK hearing protection earmuffs Ask for quote
Accessories Knee pads Hansen Protection 13684 Hansen Protection's knee pads protect your knees. Ask for quote
Accessories Knee pads Fire Retardant GEL Hard Shell Impacto Protective Products 88171 Impacto fire retardant GEL knee pads protect your knees (and your suit). Ask for quote
SAR Services Replacement Marin Crotch Strap Attachment Crewsaver 83467 Replacement Marin 290N Crotch Strap Attachment OEM Artno: P88704 Ask for quote
Accessories lifejackets and PFD's Molle Belt Loops Hansen Protection 22060 For attachment of optional personal equipment on e.g. SeaLife Rescue Pro 50 Ask for quote
Home Halite Recon Pack Bag 290L CROCODILE Halite 88243 Developed by Special Forces for Over The Beach insertions. The Recon Pack Bag does what the name says; it gives you the possibility to load your large recon pack into a huge watertight, airtight and dustproof container. Ask for quote
Home Halite Void Assault Multicam 30L Halite 88408 Efficient, protective and modular 30 liter combat ready pack, with a low profile for operations and day to day missions. Ask for quote